This week we welcome into the FatigueM8 team, Katie Speer, who’s a Ph. D Candidate at the University of Canberra (UC). Katie is studying within the Department of Sport & Exercise Science, Faculty of Health and has published several research papers investigating Heart Rate Variability (HRV) in connection with the autonomic nervous system, maternal exercise influence on childhood HRV and also investigated the ability of commercially available devices to measure HRV in children. All of her papers are available via the link below.
Katie joins the FatigueM8 team for a five (5) month internship to undertake a research project titled “The Validation of the FatigueM8 System for using heart rate variability to detect truck driver fatigue”. Katie will be supported by UC Associate Professor Andrew Mc Kune. The FatigueM8 team was introduced to Professor Mc Kune as we researched the potential cause of HRV observations we’d captured after a trip to Threadbo mountain biking.
Read that post here (http://www.augmented-intelligence.com.au/wp-admin/post.php?post=181)

Professor Mc Kune was a review on the paper we referenced here (doi: 10.3389/fphys.2017.00301) and noting he was a local Canberrian we reached out.
Professor Mc Kune’s “interests include investigating bioenergetic and stress responses (inflammation, autonomic nervous system, HPA-axis) in chronic disease. How do exercise and/or nutrition interventions impact these systems to prevent and treat chronic disease? Methodologies include heart rate variability, salivary bioscience, cardiopulmonary exercise testing, telomere length and ultrasound.”
We’re super excited to have Katie and Andrew onboard; as part of the project they’ll be undertaking we’re going to be expanding our in-cab trials and data collection.
Watch this space for some exciting announcements over the coming weeks.